Guest & Visitor WiFi
Transform the WiFi experience to ensures your customers are always connected whilst enhancing engagement and nurturing loyalty
Review Capture
WiFi with Purpose
Multi Channel Marketing
Discover New Ways To Evolve Your WiFi
Generate Value from Free WiFi
Transform WiFi into a Guest WiFi Experience
Providing Wifi with Purpose
Guest WiFi Innovation
- Seamless OneWiFiLogin
- Customisable Data Capture
- Advanced Login inc. PMS
- Analytics Dashboard
- Automated Engagement Tools
- Online Review Capture
- Family Friendly Filtering
Rich Feature Set of Freedom Hotspot Guest WiFi Platform

Multi WiFi Vendor Approach
We install WiFi networks that are right for your business and venue from our list of branded and express range of vendors. Alternatively we can onboard your existing WiFi infrastructure to deliver the Freedom Hotspot Guest & Visitor WiFi service.

Receive daily, weekly, automated monthly reports as to how your Guest & Visitor WiFi is being used. These can be downloaded from the Client Dashboard or received via API into your inhouse systems.

Secure and Protected WiFi
Secure and Protected WiFi. Utilising Service Profile features and content filtering (IWF accredited), we make WiFi safe, secure and compliant.

Seamless Login
Using Freedom Hotspot’s OneWiFiLogin strategy the login process becomes seamless and results in a positive customer WiFi journey.

Data Capture & Demographics
Customisable to your business and venue allowing richer data to be gathered and meaningful insights.

Customer Insight & Analytics
Drive value from knowing your customers, where and how they use WiFi at your business that delivers Actionable Insights.

Reliable & Robust WiFi
Deliver a positive WiFi experience to your customers combing great WiFi network technology and the intelligence from Freedom Hotspot’s cloud based Guest & Visitor WiFi service.

Client Dashboard
Your window into how your Guest & Visitor WiFi is being used, data being gathered as it happens, in real time.

Monetise WiFi
Generate value from Free WiFi. Understand how data gathered and detected can help you increase margins and benefit from efficiencies.
Get In Touch
Freedom Hotspot,
Boston House,
69-75 Boston Manor Road,
22 Montrose Street,
G1 1RE
0800 311 2190